What Our Students Experience...

We invite you to experience the power of partnering with a horse.

Horses are amazing teachers! They respond without judge and seem to draw out the best in all of us. They help us learn how to make decisions with confidence, respond with self-control, and become responsible leaders at any age. As people learn how to interact with this majestic animal it is amazing to watch the connections between person and horse.

If you are new to the horse world, we want to assure you that our specialty is working with beginners! What makes Big Star Ranch different than other horsemanship programs is that our focus is not on riding. We enable students to experience horses in ways that teach how to build trust, have and build healthy relationships and communicate in ways that are clear and meaningful.

Time at the ranch will include hands on activities. We encourage independence by teaching our students the right way to approach a horse, halter and lead it, become a confident horse handler and communicator in the language of "horse".

We will also cover many other topics to help you understand why horses do what they do, and how we can become trusted friends and confident leaders. Many times these conversations help our students in their everyday lives with family, teachers and friends.

We strive to give you the time you need to learn and experience all you can while you are here. We do our utmost to provide a safe and peaceful environment, as those who feel safe are free to learn. If life is busy and you need a place where you can relax, spending time here with our horses is a marvelous choice!

Please review our Policies page and Contact Us page with any questions. Click on link below to access New Student Forms. We look forward to welcoming you to Big Star Ranch!

Click here for New Student Forms